School Ethos

At TLC we have a very simple way to remember the core elements of our school ethos – just by experiencing the character of our school community on a day to day basis. In a school the ethos is unseen but it is often felt and to be so it must be strong! When you visit TLC for the first time we know that, like many others before you, you’ll experience it!
We believe that our students deserve the best teachers who will deliver effective lessons. We now invest in around 50 teachers and teaching assistants to teach and support our students. The team is strong but the Principal and Directors are not complacent and they strive always to bring out the best in their staff.
Many things impact on a child’s ability to learn. Teachers, parents, classmates, resources and the environment all have a part to play and at TLC we carefully monitor attainment and progress to ensure every child’s success.
Our school is a community and as such, experiences the ups and downs that go along with any large family. The happiness, safety and security of our students and staff is paramount and in order to achieve that we use Personal Development Goals of Thoughtfulness, Morality, Enquiry, Adaptability, Cooperation, Communication, Honesty, Respect, Encouragement, Challenge, Responsibility, Tolerance, Friendship and Independence. From this year, we will also be introducing the International Baccalaureate’s Learner Profiles to help our students become all-round learners.
Some of these help the students to become good learners, others help them to become good people but all are important in the upholding of TLC’s values. We expect all parents to help us in developing and promoting these goals.
TLC Private School’s ethos is ever present in the daily life of the school but that doesn’t mean that we don’t continue to develop aspects of the ethos each day.