Entry Requirements and Fees

Entry Requirements and Fees:
TLC Private School (Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary) has been operating at nearly full capacity, with a limited number of places available each year. Our priority is always to siblings (brothers and sisters of existing students).
The Learning Centre is committed to continuous investment in good quality teachers and physical resources, ensuring that we can provide your child with a high quality education that meets their needs, at a competitive fee level.
Fee illustrations are available at interview:
Our fees are competitive and offer value for money education for your child. The price we quote include many things that parents might expect to have to pay for in addition to the fees. We will explain this to you at the initial interview.
We offer a range of favourable discount schemes including one for families with more than one child attending TLC.
Entry Requirements:
At TLC we welcome every child, providing the school is able to meet their needs, their parents are committed to our aims and the student has the attributes, attainment level, school/pre-school history and skills that mean they can access the curriculum and contribute positively to the social aspect of life in a school community.
Our aim is always to sustain and develop a cohesive, happy school environment where students feel safe and cared for.
In order to maintain our ethos and sustain our school community, our admission procedure includes two important elements.
Interview with parents and students:
This is to ensure we are all clear about expectations from both sides.
Evaluation of the student:
We will spend time identifying a child’s needs prior to a discussion with parents about an individual entry programme. The date for the evaluation is agreed with the parents and feedback to parents with our recommendations is given soon after.
Students can be admitted at any stage in the year on a date negotiated with parents. The offer of a place can be conditional for a number of reasons:
- The need for a programme of support prior to entry to build skills, for example in English.
- Support required when the level of attainment is not in line with others of a similar age.
- No spaces in the year group. Classes are limited to 20 and a waiting list may apply.
- The need for specific learning needs to be addressed that require third party referral or additional resources.
However, most pupils enter the school full time with no additional requirements.
Fees: Once an application for admission has been approved, a registration fee and deposit become payable. Once payment is received, your child’s place is secure.
Please note: The Directors accept your child in good faith. In response to your child’s registration, the school will purchase resources and staff to ensure that their needs are met . All parents are required to complete a fee agreement and this will be a legally binding commitment to pay the full fee for the full year (or the remainder if joining us after the start of the school year. Non–payment, unless agreed by the Directors, will result in your child’s place being suspended. Fees remain payable throughout the suspension period. Continued non-payment will result in the withdrawal of the school place.
Late payments: (one month after the agreed payment date) will incur an interest charge of 5%.
Attendance is important to us as absences will impact negatively on your child’s learning. If absence is attributable to a long-term diagnosed illness, please speak to the Principal and, wherever possible, we will do all we can to support your child’s education whilst they are unable to attend school.
Students with additional educational needs: Parents who do not disclose details of a previously diagnosed education difficulty may be asked to remove their child if the school cannot make appropriate provision to meet their needs.