Secondary School

TLC Secondary School
A student’s secondary school experience begins when they enter Year 7 at the school’s new Parkland site. At TLC we believe that students learn best in small classes so we set our maximum at 20 students, although numbers are often less.
Secondary education is provided in two parts: The first three years provide a broad, balanced education which is followed by two years of study leading to formal, internationally recognised qualifications such as iGCSE and GCSE.
All students are assigned to a Form and have a Form Tutor. It is the role of the Form Tutor to ensure that their students are working hard, completing homework, wearing the appropriate school uniform and attending secondary school regularly as well as looking after each students’ pastoral needs.
The school day ends at 2.20pm for our secondary students and optional after school activities take the end of the school day to 3.30pm. Their teaching takes place in modern air-conditioned rooms, some of which are specialist facilities such as our Art Studio, Science Laboratory and Computer Laboratory.
Educational visits are also an important feature of the secondary school experience with students recently attending a Futures conference in Limassol, the Euro Science and Euro Maths competition in Poland and an environmental awareness course in Vavla.
During the first three years of study in the secondary school (Years 7-9), pupils receive a broad general education to allow them to make informed choices about the subjects they wish to study further for the 2 year IGCSE courses which they will follow during years 10 & 11. English Language, Mathematics and one science are compulsory and students have the opportunity to choose an additional five subjects suited to their academic preferences.
Subjects offered at GCSE or IGCSE include:
- English Literature
- Geography
- History
- Art
- Physics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Psychology
- Business Studies
- Economics
- Greek
- PE
- Drama
- Accounting
Whilst Physical Education is offered as a GCSE option, there is a compulsory component to ensure that all students maintain physical fitness. Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education is also a compulsory but not examined subject delivered through the internationally acclaimed PSHE Association
Long Term Curriculum Planning
Within the school each year group follows a long term curriculum plan to ensure continuity and progression as the children move through school. Please CLICK HERE view our current individual year group plans.