Issue 101
9 September 2022

Dear Parents,
This is the first newsletter of the academic year and, for those of you who are new to TLC Private School, I write to all parents on a Friday to tell you of what’s been happening in the school during the week and to let you know of upcoming events.
Each year it’s a very special moment when our students return after the summer holiday, usually a lot taller and more grown up than when we last saw them in June. This year was no exception and we welcomed over eighty new children to our school for the first time.
I am very pleased to say that the school year has started smoothly and the students have already settled in to their classes, begun their studies in earnest and made new friends.
Last night we all received the sad news that Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain had died after being on the throne for over seventy years. She was the head of state or figurehead for 56 countries around the world that form the Commonwealth and the patron of over 600 charities. Many of the children were talking about this as they arrived this morning and we held assemblies in both schools to think about her life and the difference she made to the lives of others through the service she selflessly gave.
In the Primary classes many of the children have been completing ‘Time capsule’ information which will be hidden away and ‘discovered’ at the end of the year to reflect on what they thought at the start of the year and whether they have achieved their goals.
In our Secondary School, the students were encouraged to devise their own school rules, the rationale behind which is that if the students have created the rules and agreed to them, they have accountability. I was amused by one rule that stated students must study all night – I am sure that this rule was very quickly discounted!
Our Primary students will soon undertake the guided reading sessions you can see on your child’s timetable. The school has invested in sets of well-known books for teachers to use with groups of children to help develop their comprehension and inference skills. This leads me on nicely to a visit by the first Book Fair of the year on September 28th Bibliocosmos will bring a large selection of children’s books in English to our Primary School where they can be purchased during class visits to the fair or after school when you collect your child.
In the Secondary School Mr Will is championing our subscription to ‘The Day’ magazine, which, as the title suggests is a daily newspaper, written especially for young people which promotes critical thinking about current affairs. The online magazine is available by using this token: www.theday.co.uk/?id=E537B9CD-0905-415E-A14C-1DC55BB697D4
With the current removal of Covid restrictions, we are planning a programme of after school activities to begin in early October. It’s hoped that we will have a selection of activities which will include sports and art activities. Watch out for more details in the next few weeks.
This year’s ‘Twist on a Tale’ writing competition launches soon and we are very keen to have our students in both Primary and Secondary schools participate, especially after the success of our entries in the Global Young Journalist Competition. More details will come soon.
Already there is so much happening at school with the promise of more to come. I hope that you and your family have a restful weekend after the excitement of the return to school and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.
Kind regards,
David Lewis

The school has subscribed to the children’s news magazine The Week Junior and a digital subscription is now available to all TLC children.
The Week magazine is a UK based publication that summarises the week’s news and events from around the world and The Week Junior makes this information accessible for children aged 7 to 14.
To access the free digital version, download the The Week Junior app from Apple’s App Store or Android Google Play. Open the app and click on the settings icon (Three vertical dots) in the top right corner. Then click on Account then Existing Subscriptions and enter the code 001212024901.
You will be taken to the current issue page and can also view past issues. Each week, the new issue is automatically distributed late on a Friday or early Saturday morning and can be downloaded to your device. The magazine also contains puzzles and a weekly news quiz that will help you know how thoroughly your child has read the magazine.

We hope that you will encourage your child to read the magazine each week. All the children who took part in the trial of the magazine, loved it and now read it avidly each week. The information will help your child become more aware of what is happening in the world and how it affects them.
Please contact us if you have any difficulties.

Open a world of reading by accessing The Reading Cloud.
A fantastic online Library resource that children and parents can easily access directly from the TLC home page or by downloading the iMLS app.
Search the database to see all the wonderful books available to borrow from our School Library.
Your child has a Library Card number which they can use to log into the online Library catalogue, anytime anywhere.
The Reading Cloud allows children to:
Write and share reviews
Watch author videos
Get recommendations and suggestions for what to read next.
Make requests for new Library Books.
Discover the vast selection of authors and titles available to them.
By borrowing books from the Library, an electronic reading record is automatically created for each child during their time at TLC.
Download the App, to easily access a world of reading via the Reading Cloud from any smartphone, tablet or PC.
If you have any trouble accessing the Reading Cloud please email Carol the Librarian car.mat@tlccyprus.com

Become a SIMS Parent
The SIMS parent app is a convenient way to share information with you about your child’s school life. You can access the system easily from a smartphone, tablet or PC – anytime, anywhere.
What will you find in the SIMS Parent app:
• Important information such as attendance, achievement & the secondary timetable
• School calendar, inset dates and contact details available at the click of a button
• Access to your child’s school reports.
• Access to the contact form to update your child’s contact details, so we always have the most up to-date information in case of emergency
• If you have more than one child at school, you will have access to information for all your children, from the same app.
The information that you receive through the app will help you to stay up-to-date with your child’s school life as well as support your child’s development and progress.

The TLC Connect programme offers membership exclusively to TLC students, parents and staff with entitlement to discounts and other benefits from local businesses in Peyia, Agios Georgios as well as Paphos and surrounds. TLC enjoys support from local businesses with strong links being forged over the years. Partners within the TLC Connect Programme want to encourage participation in local attractions and amenities in return for the benefits offered to our school.
So, whether you have been a TLC parent or staff member for many years, or have just recently joined the school, we hope this card will provide your family with further opportunities to explore and enjoy life in the beautiful Paphos region.
Please visit the link below for more details.
If you have not done so already, you can collect your TLC Connect card from the school reception whenever is convenient for you.