Back to School
After a long summer break, primary and secondary students paced excitedly into school. Mr Lewis and the school directors welcomed the children back and were thrilled to see the excitement on their faces as they returned for the new school year. It’s representative of the experience that the children gain at TLC Private School that they can’t wait for the holidays to be over so they can return to school.
Students have settled into their upgraded classroom accommodation and enthusiastically begin the academic year 2019/2020.
New members of staff:
We welcome new members of staff at TLC Private School! New teachers have added new skills and great experience to the current staff body and they had the opportunity to introduce themselves at the start of day assembly.
The Breeze:
The Breeze plays a huge role in building healthy eating habits for our students every day. In spring 2019 we worked with a small group of parents to review the school’s food provision to provide healthy food options which are filling and that the children will enjoy. We are pleased to now have in place healthy and wholesome food at TLC!
We’re all looking forward to a fun and exciting year ahead.