Before the closure of the school, our Year 9 students were studying a diverse range of poets and poetry.
This has proved a great blessing, as it has provided our class with the opportunity to move towards writing their own poems, using the poetic techniques which they had been learning about. As our Year 9 students would tell you, at the essence of poetry is the universal need to connect to other people through language; to take feelings which are almost inexpressible and put them into a written form. Poetry also requires a certain stillness of mind and attention to detail, things which this period of isolation has presented a perfect opportunity to embrace.
It is both ironic and beautiful that through the distance of online learning, our students have written poems which have helped them to express their emotions about the impact of the Coronavirus and also connect with each other, at a time when many of us are feeling disconnected. Our young poets were also asked to take a photograph which they felt best symbolised their poem. I have greatly enjoyed reading their work and the feeling of intimacy it has given our class during this difficult time. So, a huge shout out to our wonderful Year 9 students and as always to the incredible power of poetry!
Ms Ally