Results AS and A level exams and the Extended Project Qualification
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AS and A level exams and the Extended Project Qualification.
There were double celebrations at TLC Private School this morning as the results were announced for the January series of AS and A level exams and the Extended Project Qualification.
The Extended Project Qualification was introduced at TLC Private School last year in place of the cancelled IGCSE exams for Year 11 students. The course usually takes a year to complete but a group of our students followed the ‘Express’ route and completed theirs in three months. During the brief relaxation in the Covid rules in the autumn, our students were able to complete the final part of the EPQ, undertaking their presentations to an audience comprising teachers, parents and the assessors.
The completed EPQs were submitted in December and TLC Private School is immensely proud to announce that Annie Lin and Louis-Alexandre Lobanov were awarded A* grades whilst Nikoletta Antoniou and Lydia Wells were awarded A grades.
The EPQ course is very rigorous and requires self-discipline, high levels of motivation, research and analysis and academic writing skills. Our students demonstrated that they were more than equal to the demands of the course.

For the students, the EPQ, as a Level 3 qualification and worth half an A level, gives them up to 28 UCAS points towards a university application and is highly sought after on students’ university applications.
For the next cohort of EPQ students, these four exceptional young people will provide strong role models and have set the bar high.
Separately, Nelli Mugattarova, Louis-Alexandre Lobanov and Annie Lin achieved a full set of A grades in their AS and A-level examinations. Nelli took the AS and A-level examinations in Chemistry in the same examination series and also achieved A grades in Physics and Mathematics, Annie achieved an A in Biology, whilst Louis achieved 100% in his Physics AS level exams. These students illustrate that an excellent work ethic and a determination to succeed pays off.
We congratulate all of our students for their highly impressive achievements.