Team Eco Protect
Hello everyone!
As you may have seen in my previous article, Team Eco Protect is a club that promotes and organises simple things like litter pick-ups, recycling etc. that make a big difference to our environment.
We had our first ever Coastal Clean-up on the 5th June 2021, and it was a huge success! This coincided with World Environmental Day which made it the perfect first meeting. A great big thank you to everyone who participated in it! We collected over 20 bags of litter and 30-40 children and parents participated!
I have big plans for Team Eco Protect! When school has finished for the summer holidays, I will be arranging a meeting with the Mayor, as well as going on Viva FM radio station, to talk about Team Eco.
We have already achieved more than I had ever imagined and I am extremely grateful for everyone that has supported the idea and joined in. I am putting together plans for September, not only litter pick-ups but also some creative surprises too!
I hope that, during the summer, you will consider picking up a bag of litter whilst at the beach for the day and/or beginning to recycle. You could also use plastic bottles, cardboards etc. for arts and crafts! If everyone does even just one small thing, we can make an immense difference!
Remember: Reduce, reuse, recycle! (And save the planet)
By Evelyn Scott | Y7